Discover the Joy of Rowing

Welcome to New Norfolk Rowing Club: Your Gateway to Unforgettable Moments on the Derwent River.

Club History

The New Norfolk Regatta Association held the first Boxing Day Regatta in 1854 on the River Derwent at New Norfolk, Tasmania. Rowing was a popular event on the program. In the 1860s, six steamboats were needed to ferry people from Hobart up to New Norfolk in the River Derwent for the Regatta, with spectators reaching 20,000 in the early 1900s.

Shelter provided by surrounding hills at New Norfolk results in ideal flat water conditions on the River Derwent for much of the time. The community need for a rowing club was satisfied in 1928 when New Norfolk Rowing Club was founded by Dr David I Fitzpatrick, captain and stroke of the first eight.

THE new home of the New Norfolk Rowing Club was officially opened at the New Norfolk Esplanade on 23 January 2021. Club president Peter Nichols welcomed official guests to the Derwent Valley Boat House, which was declared open by the governor of Tasmania, Kate Warner.
The below link takes you to The New Norfolk and Derwent Valley News article published about our historic occasion:

Meet Our Club Committee

Our small club has dedicated members who aim to get as many people as possible rowing at New Norfolk.

About Us

Row with Us

Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Derwent River and experience that New Norfolk Rowing Club offers. Get ready for memorable days of rowing, camaraderie, and pure enjoyment.


First New Norfolk Boxing Day Regatta


New Norfolk Rowing Club moved to 5 Page Avenue

Join the New Norfolk Rowing Club